
warning: you are about to enter my mind

Saturday, June 23, 2012


It's not thanksgiving, but I'm thankful for a lot of things. A little overwhelmed with thankfulness actually, which is why it's spilling over into a blog. I'm super thankful for Don. He is the ice cream to my sprinkles, the yogurt to my fruit parfait, the roots to my flowers, the yoyo to my piece of string. Anyways I can't imagine life without him, mostly because I would never try to imagine something so stupid. Also on the list of things to be thankful for in no particular order are as follows: Flowers, a job I like and am good at with coworkers that are just a shade above mediocre, friends that are also a shade, or perhaps two shades, above mediocre, my health, my newfound love for exercise and my newfound like for healthy eating, Don again, talents and abilities and the opportunity to use them, my dogs, a God that hears me and acts on my behalf, and doesn't stop at second, third, or fourth chances, a hope that one day I am lucky enough to be used by God, green beans, awesome parents and a great family, bug repellent, and the singists.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why I give thanks

I am so thankful that I have a husband that I love. And I have a husband loves me more than he loves himself. I hate to admit it, but I am already leagues ahead of many of those around me. Please don't miss understand me, it is not anything I have done. It is the God that I serve. He is great. And he chose to show how great he is through my life. I do not deserve it, I will never deserve it. And for that reason I want to give him glory. Because he, deserves it. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day off.

Just want to say that I think I worked a longer day on my day off than when I  go to "work"! I'm not asking for pity or anything, just blogging to pass the time until my feet stop hurting and I'll be back to being "off". I'm going on 12 hours of stuff around the house. Laundry gets done. Dishes never get done. Ever. I think I mostly washed dishes for 10 hours. You have a drink, eat a snack, then you have the dishes from making the snack, and wash the dish you ate the snack on. Then you start cooking food for the rest of the week and BAM before you know it you've washed the same cutting board 8 times.

Ok ok, I did a couple other things today. Practiced a few songs, went on a walk with my sister, weeded the garden, tended to the chickens a bit. Is weeded the past tense for weed? Could it be wode? I wode the garden today. Its a small garden still of lettuce and onion mostly. But it will grow, in more ways than one! I'm feeling pretty happy today, got a whole bunch of awesome surrounding me, ex: my husband, and bacon on the grill. And a back yard that pretty much makes food for me on a daily basis. As often as I focus on the bad stuff, I gotta say today was a good day and I thank God for it, and all the wonderful things in my life. Not that the day is over, no, I still have one more basket of laundry to fold, and a coffee table drowning in papers and trinkets to rescue. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


So I currently have The Phantom of the Opera (original cast soundtrack) on repeat. I am learning that just because you can hit the notes Christine hits, doesn't mean you sound as good as her! Still, it's exciting to at least hit the note. On another note (lame pun intended) my neck is killing me. I have no idea why. Every muscle is completely tight and it feels like I lifted a truck relying solely on my neck. I didn't though. Ok...so I went ahead and announced that I would be playing at City Coffee. Dang...that means I actually have to do it...well I've been practicing today as much as my neck will allow. I would say the following sentence is a confession...but you probably already know it. I'm terrified!! Pushing the record button and singing into a microphone where I can stop, delete, and restart without any of you knowing it is much less stressful than preforming for you live. I really really want to do it, which is why I will. I'm just also going to be nervous out of my mind, and what you hear might end up sounding like crap because of that. Whelp, I guess we'll see- er, hear, won't we?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tim McGraw

Much like the song, this post is not about Tim McGraw. Also like the song, this post is about music. I'm currently listening to some of my recordings. Sometimes I suck, but a lot of the time I like it. There, I said it. I like my music. I like my voice. I enjoy listening to it. I also enjoy listening to Jeremy Gemus, although like me, his voice sometimes sucks. I still think he sounds great, and I enjoy listening to his voice. Both of us need practice but we have a natural talent for music and singing. There, I said that too. So, I don't have as much free time (more so I don't have as much discipline) as I would like, but for now I'm going to continue practicing, recording, and posting. Hopefully so will my brother. Also, anyone else who wants to come over and record. #incompletesentenceandbadgrammar<3

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Light Bistro

Frizzy haired people with scarves. Short haired people with scarves. And plaid, lots of plaid and argyle. They can wear it, I can't even spell it. That is why I don't belong in a "bistro" , not even a light one apparently. I think I even ate the bread wrong, and I know I was approximately 2 elbows over the limit of how many you can have on one table.

A recipe, sort of.

Chicken Fried Rice:

Cook rice with appropriate amount of chicken bouillon dissolved in water in a pan. While that is doing its thing:

In a bowl:
1-3 tsp/several splashes liquid smoke
Add soy sauce (low sodium)-a decent amount.
Add slightly less balsamic vinigar than soy sauce, but more than the liq. smoke.
Also add worshesteshire sauce. I can't believe I spelled that right on my first attempt. Smell the mixture, then add more W sauce if it still smells like liq. smoke, but not a lot more. Don't smell again.
Put veggies in wok. Broccoli, peas, other stuff. Add more sauce to the sauce bowl cause it doesn't look like enough. A little bit of everything but liq smoke. With a little too much emphasis on the W. sauce.
Scramble 2-3 eggs if you forgot to earlier. Add between 1 splash and 1 sploosh (pronounced like "soon") of milk to the eggs. This is probably where you would add water chestnuts or bean sprouts to the wok if you had any. If you don't, just skip that step.

Steam veggies, or do something until they are not frozen/heated through throughly. Note how similer the last two words in the previous sentance are. Add rice, and veggies to wok. Turn up to high heat. Add some saflower oil and chicken. More chicken if you like a lot of chicken, less chicken if you like less chicken. Cook till cooked.

Here comes the hard part.

Make a moderately large sized hole in conglamoration of food in wok. Add eggs. Push them around, without getting any of the conglamorate in it for about a minute or two until they are starting to cook, then kinda stirfry/mix in the edges until the egg is all mixed in. The goal is you don't just want to coat everything in egg and it gets gooey. Then eat.

Also, sushi vinegar because I forgot about that. If this doesn't make sense, that's ok by me. Its really just my notes of my second time making chicken fried rice off the top of my head so I can hopefully make it similarly to the first time I made it, since it came out good then. This batch? Not as good, because I forgot somethings. But hopefully batch #3 will be good again!  Kudos for reading this until the end!