
warning: you are about to enter my mind

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The last day.

Ahhh!!! This is like the last day for me to post in November! And by "the last" I mean "almost the last". Lets see...what has happened in my life in the last month? My sister's birthday, also finding out I'm officially going to be a real aunt!! Very excited about that, even though I somewhat dislike the term aunt. Maybe I'll try to pick something else, like...Jedi. I can be Jedi Mallory, not Aunt Mallory.

What else happened in November? Thanksgiving happened, but mine was probably like yours so no need to go into detail.

It's raining a lot, I should probably go check on that leak in the laundry room and see if its overwhelmed by liquid yet.

Also in November I decided to have another party for my youth group girls on December 10th. I also wrote part of a song. Those are some of my pointed attempts at becoming who I want to be. I think. That is, I think who I'm trying to become is who I want to be. The goings a little rough, partly because I have only a rough estimation of where it is I'm going. Mostly because I have no clue where I am right now, or who I am. I'm heading in the general direction of...somewhere. Oh, and I've lost a couple pounds since last week. That is one destination I know how to get to, even though it isn't fun. At all, but the direction is called Not Fat. 

Ok I didn't want to go a whole month with no bloggings. Preferably I would have several a month, but I've been a little distracted. Here's hoping.

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