Yes this is a blog about spaghetti squash. Why? I'll tell you why, because its amazingly delicious. Magically delicious even, if the lucky charms advertisers will let me say that...Here is what happened when spaghetti squash was created. God's like psh, you n00bs want to eat noodles from a box? I mean you'll actually have to take it OUT of the box to cook it?? Oh but you want fast food??! Here, put this spaghetti squash in the oven and forget about it for an hour, then BAM! Noodley goodness!! No preservatives, no HFCS, no added artificial colors or flavors! Take that food industry!!!!!!Props to this website (Kudos for these pictures) that told me just how easy the best thing that ever happened to my oven would be. Guess what else, if you aren't feeling like the laziest person in the universe that just cooked something, you can take the seeds, take approximately 47-53 seconds and separate the stringy stuff from the seeds then make a delicious snack! I am not a professional cook person teacher, so I can't give you specifics but here is my two thoughts: One, cook them like you do roasted pumpkin seeds. If you've never roasted pumpkin seeds there isn't much I can do for you. Knock on your neighbors door until one of them feels bad enough to tell you how. (Told you I wasn't a cook teacher person!) Way number two: Add a small dollop of butter, moderate amount of cinnamon, and an extra yummy amount of your preferred sweetener ex: sugar. (I tried using Truvia, which is my new love). Stir until stirred well, then spread it out on a baking pan/sheet/object. I can't remember how long I baked it for, like 20-30 minutes. Just don't burn them. Then take them out and eat them! But don't burn your tongue.
Caution: things coming out of the oven are, more often than not, hot!
Lastly, go buy another spaghetti squash and repeat process until optimum happiness is achieved.
I liek this. Make me pasketti fruit.