Just want to say that I think I worked a longer day on my day off than when I go to "work"! I'm not asking for pity or anything, just blogging to pass the time until my feet stop hurting and I'll be back to being "off". I'm going on 12 hours of stuff around the house. Laundry gets done. Dishes never get done. Ever. I think I mostly washed dishes for 10 hours. You have a drink, eat a snack, then you have the dishes from making the snack, and wash the dish you ate the snack on. Then you start cooking food for the rest of the week and BAM before you know it you've washed the same cutting board 8 times.
Ok ok, I did a couple other things today. Practiced a few songs, went on a walk with my sister, weeded the garden, tended to the chickens a bit. Is weeded the past tense for weed? Could it be wode? I wode the garden today. Its a small garden still of lettuce and onion mostly. But it will grow, in more ways than one! I'm feeling pretty happy today, got a whole bunch of awesome surrounding me, ex: my husband, and bacon on the grill. And a back yard that pretty much makes food for me on a daily basis. As often as I focus on the bad stuff, I gotta say today was a good day and I thank God for it, and all the wonderful things in my life. Not that the day is over, no, I still have one more basket of laundry to fold, and a coffee table drowning in papers and trinkets to rescue.
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