
warning: you are about to enter my mind

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Here are some ways to be positive in the face of negativity...

A.k.a what do you do when a big meanie takes a poop on your rainbow? Personally I think it depends on if he got any in the pot of gold that was at the end of your rainbow or not. (If your confused because you don't have a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow, we need to talk about that at a later date) Anyways, if there's no poop in the gold I would probably just buy a new rainbow. Then I'd hire a hitman to take out the goon that's been pooping on peoples rainbows. What a jerk. Now, if your gold is unaccessible due to previously mentioned circumstances, you have to resort to a much more archaic coping mechanism. Inner reflection, contemplation, and some other word ending in "tion". Personally I've been having issues in this area, so I decided to go to the infinitely wise and limitless source:
For the most part all of the recommended ways to stay positive were a bunch of mumbo jumbo. However, one article that had nothing much worth repeating had this in it:
"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living."
Actually it should be said that this is a quote by Dale Carnegie, whoever that is, not the person who wrote the rest of the article. And maybe Daley's quote isn't really that deep, but it got me thinking, about that old saying...
"When life gives you dire circumstance that you can't do anything about... make lemonade."
Here is another quote about lemons that says it a little better:

If life gives you lemons, grow a lemon tree. 
When that tree gives you more lemons, make a lemon orchard. 
When that orchard gives you more lemons, sell them and become rich. 
Then next time you see life, you can say, “Thanks for the lemons!”
                                         Life hates people who are grateful for its lemons.                                              
So basically, when you act negatively in the face of negativity, you're only doing yourself harm. Two wrongs don't make a right (for the record though, 3 lefts do). The person that pooped on your rainbow? They are slimy you-know-whats no matter how bad you may feel. And even if the poopetrator is still at large, don't let them bring you down! Can you do this on your own? Maybe, I'm not sure how stubborn and strong willed you are. Me? I plan on seeking the aid of someone even more infinitely wise and limitless than Google. And that guy requires a capital 'G' too...

To make yourself feel better for now, you can listen to this song...aptly titled, "Waiting for a rainbow" [without poop!] Click this link for a not pooey rainbow song

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