
warning: you are about to enter my mind

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"So where do I go from here? 
So many voices ringing in my ear..."
Why didn't anyone accuse Pocahontas
                                           of being of being a schizophrenic?

What is it in people that makes them think "I can't"? Everyone has dreams. Not many people pursue them. It is because society tells us we have to do things a certain way, and in a certain order? It is because when we are children and we have dreams of becoming unicorns, or learning to fly, or becoming Jedi masters that people tell us we can't? Maybe some of us are lazy, and pursuing a dream takes too much work. Or maybe we are working towards it...we just have a list of things that need to be done before we can really DO. Put in your years of work, then you are supposed to retire and really start living. Or maybe we've just told ourselves for so long that something won't happen, we believe it, and accept it as fact unquestionably. Well I have dreams...but right now thats all that they are. Once I figure out what it is that is holding me back, maybe some of them will come true.

Maybe once I have a place to put it, I'll actually start playing the piano again.
Maybe once I find some self confidence (or God pushes me enough) I'll actually start singing in more places than the car and the congregation on Sunday morning.
Then once I see that these things really can happen, maybe I'll start on a long list of other dreams.

Ok, its really more of a medium sized list, but that just didn't seem like as epic of an ending.

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