Well I have my dog back. She ate some food. I really really like her, and I wish that having her was just a little bit more beneficial to her and not just me. But, she is over sleeping on her bed now rather comfortably-it seems she got her fill of walking in between and almost pulling out all of the chords for the game cube. Finishing my drink now and hopefully going to bed soon. There is still a house full of people but that really doesn't bother me. I have a hard time leaving the party-even if I'm not having that smashing of a time. Not that there isn't any smashing going on, there is PLENTY of ssbm happening right now. One down, two to go. I like...ok well I kind of like having people over. *Sigh* I'm doing that thing when I rant and ramble and don't say anything of interest. On the note of my drink, anything mixed with Pina juice is super duper amazing.Nothing is happening on facebook now either. At least my dog ate some dinner. Its 2:30am, and the coffee smells delicious! I hate Ness's character for the record. Whatever record this is. My muscles are an odd amount of sore as well. Shoulders, neck, left side of my back. I'm getting super tired, might have to go to bed before everyone leaves. Which, I guess I don't mind so much. I just don't like waking up alone later or when Don comes to bed. Tomorrow is going to be fun/busy, church and dinner at dennys with Kristen KC and possibly Matt. And Don of course. I think I'm accidentally using this as a journal. Oh well, if one day it ever becomes something anyone reads maybe by then I'll have something worth reading. Right now I think its mostly important that I write SOMETHING. Anything can happen when you are writing something, an epic quote, a poem. Nothing can happen if you are doing nothing? Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Sue in disguise.
Say no to being on fire! Only you can prevent spontaneous combustion. Good night.
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