
warning: you are about to enter my mind

Friday, April 29, 2011

This end up.

Contrary to popular belief, life is not like a box of chocolates. Its true that you never know what you're going to get, but even if you pick the orange cream instead of the coconut because there's no more molasses chews, all it will do is leave a bad taste in your mouth and let you down a little, not kill you. Unless, of course, you pick one with a nut in it and you're deathly allergic to nuts. Ok, so maybe the saying isn't so far off after all. On a side note, I want to know why you're willingly partaking in potentially contaminated chocolates that could kill you?? Anyways, the point is it would be really nice if life came packaged with (styrofoam) peanuts and a "this side up" sticker. That way you're at least semi prepared for things to be a little jostled up inside when you get the package and the arrow's pointing towards your feet. But it doesn't, so you can't. You can never know what's going to walk through that door, figuratively or literally. You never know when you wake up in the morning if everything is going to be just as you so carefully placed when you went to bed. So should you throw in the box? Flush the chocolates? No, but maybe start taking allergy shots or get an epi pen. You can never prepare yourself fully for the unknown. But you can get to know the One who is never suprised by anything.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Whats in a blog?

Words by any other format would still just be words that mean nothing. :) And Folgers coffee by any other name would still be better than Maxwell house. Cephalexin by any other name (like Keflex) will still her rid of my dog's bladder infection. Hopefully. And "A Demon in the Freezer" by any other name, would be a silly pseudonym.

Now...now? What about now?

Pain is a very good motivator. Which can be a good thing or a very bad thing. I hope that in my life it proves to be the former. But only time will tell. If its nice. Time isn't usually nice, either.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Skittles and Spiders

Little black spider crawling on the wall. I do not like you, nope not at all. Someone moved the mirror now I watch you fall, little black spider away to hide you'll crawl. Oh dear little spider someone smashed your face, I guess you just weren't meant to live long in this place. Skittles are for eating. Piders ain't. Don't feed the piders to the dog...giver her skittles...not piders...AHAHAHHHHHHAHAHHAHHA. If you give a dog a choice...it'll eat the spider apparently. And the skittles too, just to be clear.

Well I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. Happy Easter to you Malaysians living in Malaysia. Happy Easter to the Spaniards in Spain, and to the Belgians in Belgium. I checked my stats today, turns out thats where some of you are from. Quite possibly some of you inadvertently saw my page because you were searching for something and my blog showed up in Google. If so, I hope you found what you were looking for. I'm not sure why anyone would be googling "Do dogs prefer spiders or skittles?"  But either way, if you did, and that is how you found this post, well now you know that my dog ate both. For the record, I didn't offer her either. The skittles she found on the ground and were somewhere between 1 and 7 days old. The spider was freshly killed by her uncle, my brother-in-law. What are uncles for if they can't feed you spiders?

That reminds me...remember when my dog got a bladder infection? [if you don't, just go to my posts and look for one titled "the plan for today" or something close to that.] Well it was getting a lot better. Now it seems to be back. A trip to the veterinarian is in order.

Don't get me wrong, I love my dog! I am very happy to have her here with me. And...well this constant barrage of "stuff" really gets to me sometimes, usually though it doesn't take too long for me to remember that life is just...lifey like that sometimes, and you need to continue focusing on whats important. This is Easter after all. Jesus, he saw what a messy mess this world was...and he jumped right in, got covered in our crappy crap, and then paid for it all, so we wouldn't have to. So dealing with my dogs bladder infection? Its dealable. Jesus give me strength to keep going!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can you blog to the glory of God?

I hope so. Jesus died for me. I know I may not get that, I don't fully comprehend it. But he did, and he suffered pain both physical and mental, for me. Count it all joy my brethren when you share in the sufferings of Christ. That may not be in the Bible verbatim, but its in there. If not for the pain, I would forget the triumph. It is a merciful blessing to be reminded that this is not our home. And without pain I never would remember. I may not react well in the pain. But eventually, in hindsight I am thankful for the pain. Thank you for letting me share in yours.

there are no words.

He has done all this...the fear of abandonment he has felt. He made friends. He was close to them. He gave all he was into those friendships. Then they abandoned him. Then he died for them. I have yet to suffer, let alone die for anyone. But I know...I know what it would have been like to be abandoned by them. He mercifully allowed me to share that pain with him. To get it, just a little.

*deep breath*
Lord, don't ever let me forget the lesson of suffering.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Drip drip drip.

I've always enjoyed a good thunderstorm. Day or night, lightening and thunder are an enjoyable sound, refreshing even, so long as Dorothy and Toto don't go flying by the bay window. And who doesn't enjoy falling asleep to the pitter patter, not of little feet, but of rain drops. On the roof, the window ledge, the laundry room floor...wait a minute-its not supposed to rain INSIDE the house! Well now it looks like I'm going to have to fall asleep to the drip drip drip of rainwater in a bucket. I hope we have a big bucket, cause it doesn't sound like  this rainstorm is letting up anytime soon...

Purple Dreamland exploded.

Today is cold and gloomy and cloudy out. And in. I am cold, gloomy, and cloudy! I did manage to do some of the laundry earlier, but I lost all the energy I didn't start out with to finish it. I have a headache. Everything I've eaten today has given me a stomach ache and made me feel nauseated. My bank has the worst hours in the world, second only to my ex-allergist. I've managed to gain weight (although its probably hormone related and will *hopefully* recede somewhat in a few days). And I still have a passionate disliking for PA school. Unlike the rest of the universe. Although that phrase, the rest of the universe, is disproportionally used when one watches a short film posted by Francis Chan for his book Crazy Love. The universe is incomprehensibly large. Like God, who is bigger since he managed to create the thing. He created my degu too, who needs his cage cleaned out like a half-dead opossum needs another hole in its head. At least I answered the phone when my mom called me, I was about to ignore it because I couldn't take any more potential stress. I did answer, and she reminded me that I promised to take her somewhere today. I'm glad I answered, we had plenty of time and it was no big deal. I am conflicted because the shirt I'm wearing I really like and I'm not doing anything good today so I think I'll go change before I get it dirty and wear it another day. I guess I'm supposed to relax, but I feel so lazy most of the time that trying to relax just seems like a silly pointless endeavor. Its more stressful to do nothing when there is so much to do. Otherwise you have to actively relax which is pretty counter-intuitive.  I'm using way too many big words in this blog.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Purple Dreamland

Am I the only one that thinks that the Beast is way more attractive than the dude he turns into at the end? The answer is no. Because this guy looks like he is thinking, "Is puberty over yet?"
Poor Belle. She fell in love with a pretty rocking dude, sure he was the strong and silent type-but he was definitely tall, dark, and handsome. This guy? He needs to go back to middle school, cut off that mane and glue on a mustache. The beast could easily pick up Belle and whisk her away to wherever Disney princesses get whisked to. This guy? He looks like he could barely pick up a guy at a gay bar. I imagine he had a lisp as a small child. I suppose there is something to say for being able to marry within your own species. But seriously, if Gaston hadn't had such a pointy chin and smelly socks he would be a much better candidate for Belle. Ok not really, those "masculine" types are not my type.
Actually in light of this image I take back everything I previously said. The parts about Gaston that is, that pretty boy is still just as bad. What can I say? I've always been a fan of the beast:

After all, the movie IS called "Beauty and the Beast", not "Beauty and the Gay Guy at the End".
Kudos to my husband by the way...I wonder if the Beast was Lebanese too? ;)

I accidentally got a pedicure

And I might have accidentally liked it.

Just plain crazy.

I am being pursued by profoundness, biblically befuddled, awesomly overwhelmed. Yes, my arrogance makes me feel as though God owes me. But he does not. I cannot demand a thing of him. He has no obligation to bend an ear towards me. If only I could more easily convince myself of that. TBC...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Not sleep

Well I have my dog back. She ate some food. I really really like her, and I wish that having her was just a little bit more beneficial to her and not just me. But, she is over sleeping on her bed now rather comfortably-it seems she got her fill of walking in between and almost pulling out all of the chords for the game cube. Finishing my drink now and hopefully going to bed soon. There is still a house full of people but that really doesn't bother me. I have a hard time leaving the party-even if I'm not having that smashing of a time. Not that there isn't any smashing going on, there is PLENTY of ssbm happening right now. One down, two to go. I like...ok well I kind of like having people over. *Sigh* I'm doing that thing when I rant and ramble and don't say anything of interest. On the note of my drink, anything mixed with Pina juice is super duper amazing.Nothing is happening on facebook now either. At least my dog ate some dinner. Its 2:30am, and the coffee smells delicious! I hate Ness's character for the record. Whatever record this is. My muscles are an odd amount of sore as well. Shoulders, neck, left side of my back. I'm getting super tired, might have to go to bed before everyone leaves. Which, I guess I don't mind so much. I just don't like waking up alone later or when Don comes to bed. Tomorrow is going to be fun/busy, church and dinner at dennys with Kristen KC and possibly Matt. And Don of course. I think I'm accidentally using this as a journal. Oh well, if one day it ever becomes something anyone reads maybe by then I'll have something worth reading. Right now I think its mostly important that I write SOMETHING. Anything can happen when you are writing something, an epic quote, a poem. Nothing can happen if you are doing nothing? Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Sue in disguise.

Say no to being on fire! Only you can prevent spontaneous combustion. Good night.

I wonder if anybody is out there?

Probably not. I don't write about anything much interesting, I don't know how this stuff gets out into the cloud. I guess I should read some of the "how to's" for this. I am trying to keep it up, hoping that one day soon I'll have something worth reading. I really am a pretty good writer. I used to come up with all kinds of great stuff and now that I have a blog, to log all things web, I can think of nothing. I guess for right now I'll just keep complaining...heh. I can't breath well, due to the large quantity of abdominal space my stomach is taking up right now. I didn't even drink a bubble tea! One burrito plus two-thirds of a medium frozen yogurt plus a tall americano = so much full you can't handle the b. In this case I think the "b" stands for "breath". My dog is gone, Haiti is still 57.3% poor, and a few million dollars isn't a lot. I don't think i'm the queen of England any more. Sorry that this is so...sorry? Who am I apologizing to? I guess I should never apologize, it is a sign of weakness. I am weak though. Told God that a little while ago. That I was pretty pathetic. I think I even apologized, since I am weak. Sometimes I am stingy too. Pass around the beer. Zomg I'm in a bad m00d. I am depressed.
"Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride or a perfect daughter, can it be I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see, that if I was truely to be myself, I would break my family's heart.
Who is that girl I see? Staring straight back at me, why is my reflection someone I don't know? Some how I can not hide who I am, though I've tried when will my reflection show who I am inside when will my reflection show who I am inside...

Being human sucks. Living in this world sucks. Not being in Florida sucks. My muscle soreness sucks. My temper sucks. My opinions sucks. The little old lady that swallowed the spider must have been bulimic. Everything in moderation. Everything? SI? Ok then, you can have for RB if I can have my SI. I am ooberly full. I would just stop this ridiculousness now since I am saying NOTHING...well maybe I will look up some information on lab machines.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sitting, waiting, trying not to die.

Sitting here trying not to sigh or roll my eyes.
I don't quite know how I should act, or if I should pretend. I just don't know if I can be everybody's friend!
These people are not my style, whatever my style is. Ill probly never find it, as long as I'm in show biz.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bubbles, no yogurt.

Sadly Ann arbor seems to be out of frozen yogurt. Well, the good kind anyways. Good old bubble island is open for business though, making this a not all together wasted experience of sleep deprivation. It has already been worth it really, to be allowed the privilege of helping a friend is held in high regard by me. I do hope the dog likes her new cage though. I'm sure it won't be as fun to her as tearing up all the paper products in our house, but it will hopefully prolong my sanity. Blueberry and strawberry light fusion tea, cause I'm all about the splenda. Which has to be true because I have no followers to impress as of right now, this being secundis blogicus. By the way, my phone wanted to autocorrect the word "splenda" to "appendages ". I guess that's the best way to end any blog.

Primus blogus

So this is my first blog, and I don't know Latin. It is a blog of desperation because I am bored. Also, someone I don't know all that well or like all that much told me I should start a blog. Its one of the few helpful things they've said to me. I can say that because its my blog, not yours remember? Anyway writing is something I don't regularly screw up so I figured I might as well give this a shot. There you go. Blogicus beginno. (Not Latin, remember?)