
warning: you are about to enter my mind

Saturday, June 23, 2012


It's not thanksgiving, but I'm thankful for a lot of things. A little overwhelmed with thankfulness actually, which is why it's spilling over into a blog. I'm super thankful for Don. He is the ice cream to my sprinkles, the yogurt to my fruit parfait, the roots to my flowers, the yoyo to my piece of string. Anyways I can't imagine life without him, mostly because I would never try to imagine something so stupid. Also on the list of things to be thankful for in no particular order are as follows: Flowers, a job I like and am good at with coworkers that are just a shade above mediocre, friends that are also a shade, or perhaps two shades, above mediocre, my health, my newfound love for exercise and my newfound like for healthy eating, Don again, talents and abilities and the opportunity to use them, my dogs, a God that hears me and acts on my behalf, and doesn't stop at second, third, or fourth chances, a hope that one day I am lucky enough to be used by God, green beans, awesome parents and a great family, bug repellent, and the singists.